QUéBEC/CANADA | 30 minutes | 2015

Conceived from several thousand handmade silkscreen prints, Shapeway – Handprinted Sun Rays presents pure colour in movement in tandem with sound, and by so doing, seeks ways to reach an altered state of sensibility.

Live soundtrack by par Katherine Kline

Preceded by

Leyla Majeri (Québec/Canada)

Zodiacal Light, a 16-mm animation made using silkscreened drawings and text, reflects on the precarious dynamic between modern civilization and nature. Both the sound generated by the graphics encroaching on the optical soundtrack and the images will be manipulated in real time during the projection.

Live soundtrack by par Katherine Kline


Friday October 9, 2015

Program #A6
Agora Hydro-Québec du Coeur des sciences

Leyla Majeri

No biography

Katherine Kline

No biography

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