An exploration of experimental and multidisciplinary forms of cinema
CANADA | 8 minutes | 2015
"Time seen through image is a time out of sight." -Jean-Luc Godard (Nouvelle Vague, 1990)?A film that revisits and reclaims in broken images Jean-Luc Godard’s Nouvelle Vague, which premiered at Cannes in 1990. The video offers a rhythmical and photographical reinterpretation of the film’s highly experimental soundtrack.
As part of PROGRAMME LAB 4
No biography
CTRP 1 (2015)BOULEZ SPIRITUS (2015)LYSTEM (2014)SOYOUZ-CHOISY (2014)D'UN MIROIR À L'AUTRE (2013)LASTEX LUX (2012)ACTUALITÉS (2012)L’ARGENT (2012) 10 min6 ANIMATIONS PHOTONUMÉRIQUES (2012) HÉLIGO (2011)LE ROCHER (2010) 11 minSOMNIA_9 (2009) 4 min 30 sec o 28e SOMNIA_3 (2008) 12 minSOMNIA_7 (2007) 7 minB-RÊVES (2006)
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