Precious Blood
Noam Gonick

O.V. English

Winnipeg’s pre-eminent architect Etienne Gaboury built the Provincial Remand Centre in 1994. Whenever artist/filmmaker Noam Gonick would walk by the Remand Centre he’d come across girlfriends and family members of inmates standing across the street from the facility waving and gesticulating to their loved ones inside. Often the girls were underage or at-large from the law and could not get inside to visit. With the structure’s glass architecture and the use of cell phones, intimate...

CANADA | 7 minutes | 2007

Tudor Village: a one shot deal
Rhayne Vermette

O.V. English

In pursuit of an eclipse, the citizens of Winnipeg flee the city. Meanwhile, stranded in Tudor Village, the caretaker does his best to interrupt their trajectory & entice everyone to return.

CANADA | 6 minutes | 2012

I Dream of Driftwood
Matthew Rankin

O.V. English

"I Dream of Driftwood" is a delirious super-8 ransom note cobbled together out of the baroque letters and grandiose names of Winnipeg apartment buildings. Idealistic, absurd and positively insane with Stockholm syndrome, the film glorifies all the smoldering romance that these living spaces fail to provide.

CANADA | 3 minutes | 2006

Springtime In Greenland
John Paizs

O.V. English

A lifetime of suburbia in a half hour, Springtime in Greenland uses 50's cinematic conventions and attitudes to tell a story about the sophomoric inhabitants of a fictional utopia. Meet Nick, a young Adonis played by Paizs. He is silent, aloof and straining against his suburban values. Nick wears a gloomy cloud despite the sunny spring weather.

CANADA | 25 minutes | 1981

Semi-auto Colours
Isiah Medina

O.V. English

Kids in the West End of Winnipeg learn to count to One.

CANADA | 7 minutes | 2011

Doug Davidson Tom Morris

O.V. English

The dispassionate calm of a solitary man is captured with disturbing clarity. The sound and images of Argentina mirror the stoic calm of this lone man.

CANADA | 4 minutes | 1980

Janet BrightCorne

O.V. English

aprax-ia \(‘)a-’prak-se- \n [NL, fr. Gk, inaction, fr. a-+ praxis action, fr. prassein to do -- more at PRACTICAL] : loss or impairment of the ability to execute complex coordinated movements - aprac-tic \-’prak-tik\ or apraxic \-’prak-sik\ adj.

CANADA | 5 minutes | 2003

Cathy Hall

O.V. English

The emotional and mental life of a homeless bag lady obsessed with Marlene Dietrich. A comical but sympathetic glimpse into the imaginary world of a woman who is beautiful in spirit, but sad of heart. Jarringly close to our own realities, and our own limitations in life.

CANADA | 5 minutes | 1985

We're Talking Vulva
Lorri Millan, Shawna Dempsey & Tracy Traeger

O.V. English

At long last, everything you've always wanted to know about "down there" but were afraid to ask. A tender tale wherein our heroine, Ms. V..soul sisters her way into your heart with the hottest rap this side of the uterus. She sings!!! She dances!!! She's Big!!! It's a wear and care manual, it's a delightful tour, its a Rock Video.

CANADA | 5 minutes | 1990

The Yodeling Farmer
Mike Maryniuk John Scoles

O.V. English

"The Yodeling Farmer" explores the life and music of Manitoba cowboy yodeling legend Stew Clayton. This playful, animated documentary portrays the charming, yodeling farmer with humour and wit and “looks the way yodeling sounds".

CANADA | 7 minutes | 2011

What Comes Between
Cecilia Araneda

O.V. English

"What Comes Between" is an examination of personal memory and loss rooted in the filmmaker’s birth place – Chile – and her departure from that country long ago. The work is a collage film created with found footage from personal and historic sources, and original hand printed and tinted footage.

CANADA | 6 minutes | 2009


Tuesday October 13, 2015

Cinéma du Parc 2
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