In 1999, self-taught filmmaker Rabah Ameur-Zaïmeche founded his production company to direct his first film. He surrounded himself with friends and family members and film after film brought in professionals. His cinematic journeys back and forth between France, where he grew up, and Algeria, where he was born, are accurate portrayals of life between two shores, the pleasure of reunions and...
Kamel is deported from France after serving a prison sentence and ends up in his native village in northeastern Algeria. Despite the warm welcome of his friends and family and his involvement in their struggle...
Feature film , Fiction
FRANCE | 100 minutes | 2006
In 1755, Louis Mandrin — an outlaw and hero of the people — has just been executed in Valence. Yet his fellow smugglers continue running black markets to avoid the abusive taxes imposed by the...
FRANCE | 97 minutes | 2011
The Muslim boss of a pallet manufacturing company and owner of a garage located in the industrial outskirts of Paris decides to open a mosque for his workers. When he appoints an imam with no input from his...
FRANCE | 93 minutes | 2008
After forty days and forty nights in the desert, Jesus goes back to his community, supported by his disciple Judas who devotedly watches over him. His teachings attract resistance members, disturb certain...
FRANCE | 99 minutes | 2015
After serving a prison sentence that included deportation back to Algeria, Kamel returns to his housing project in suburban Paris. Ameur-Zaïmeche’s first film, an extension of the political struggle...
FRANCE | 83 minutes | 2001
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